All posts filed under: Managing managers

Performance Management: The Rising Tide

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Managing managers

There’s an exciting announcement at the end of this article, so make sure you read all the way to the end! For many of us in the tech industry, we are either in the middle of, or ramping up into, performance review season. It may be the case that you are currently writing your self-assessment, or writing reviews for your staff, or you are preparing for calibration meetings. But the question is: why are we […]

Trifectas Go All The Way Up

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Managing managers

One of the most powerful groups that you can be part of as a senior leader is a trifecta. A trifecta is a group of three people from different disciplines who work together to achieve a goal. Typically, this is a group consisting of engineering, product, and UX. With these three disciplines working together, you have a powerful combination of skills and perspectives that can create a product that is scalable, useful, and beautiful. We […]