All posts filed under: Managing managers

The problem with your manager

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Managing managers

It may be the case that the problem with your manager is… you. Let’s start with the thing that you don’t want to hear: your manager will always disappoint you. This isn’t necessarily because they are bad at their job or because they have a specific grudge against you. In fact, generally speaking, they may consistently do an excellent job of managing you and your peers from the perspective of the outputs that the organization […]

The tragedy of the common leader

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Managing managers

You’ve likely seen it before: something with no specific ownership between a group of people falling into disrepair. It could be a shared kitchen in a house that nobody keeps clean, a communal garden that is overgrown, or a shared path that is constantly littered with rubbish. It seems that despite our best efforts to desire to be altruistic and to do the right thing, we often fail to do so when there is no […]