All posts filed under: Growth

Scope? How about we talk about thoroughness instead?

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Often it isn’t writing code that is the hard part of the job: it’s trying to work out how long it’s going to take to write it. Our companies want to ensure that our engineering salaries are being spent wisely, so it follows that they care about when we expect things to be delivered. Despite the fact that we have more tools and technologies available to us than ever before, we still struggle to get things done […]

Deltas to the Global Maxima: Better Career Conversations

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As you likely already know, a key part of our role as engineering managers and leaders is to invest in the long term growth of our teams. In a previous article, we looked at how you should expect to push the improvement of your organization over time: you all learn, gain skills, and level up, both individually and collectively. The resulting effect is a rising tide of organizational capability, or to borrow the name of a videogame mechanic, […]