Month: September 2020

Bucketing your time

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Managing managers

This article is part of a series on managing managers. Life as an IC, or as a manager of ICs, usually follows a predictable cadence. Perhaps you plan your time and your activities around fixed periods such as sprints. Or perhaps it’s quite the opposite and you work in a self-directed manner: planning, building and shipping continually as you go. Either way, you find and sustain a rhythm for yourself and your team, and you […]

Forming the unicorn

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Managing managers

This article is part of a series on managing managers. What’s the best way to level managers up that are reporting to you? It’s by understanding their output and working with them to improve it through a continual virtuous cycle.  This idea isn’t new or novel: Andy Grove wrote the equation below in High Output Management way back in 1983 when he was CEO of Intel: A manager’s output = the output of their team […]