Month: September 2020

Don’t make yourself redundant

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Managing managers

This article is part of a series on managing managers. I was flicking through my dusty copy of High Output Management recently and I was reminded of this fantastic piece of advice. On reflection, I’ve realized that I’ve been using this approach without explicitly remembering where I learned about it, so it was pleasant to be reminded of its provenance. A common route for a manager to become a manager of managers is through rapid […]

Recent videos and podcasts

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Just a short note this week. We’ll continue with the managing managers series next time. Recently I’ve found myself in a bunch of different videos and podcasts, which is a strange experience since I’ve always felt that I’ve got a face for radio and a voice for writing. Firstly, there’s the Lead Developer conference Q&A on the book, hosted by the wonderful Suzan Bond. You can get more of an idea of why I wrote […]