All posts filed under: Remote working

Treat everyone as remote

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Remote working

This article is part of a series on remote working. Second-class citizens In the past, a common challenge that remote workers have faced is feeling like they are several steps removed from the rest of the physically colocated company. This manifests repeatedly: day in, day out. It reveals itself in the nagging instinct that discussions and decisions are happening in person without giving remote workers the ability to have their input. It can come from […]

2020: a year spent remotely

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Remote working

This article is the beginning of a series on remote working. Ah, a new year is upon us. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, we have been able to increment that damned zero to a one. Without a doubt, 2020 was one of the most challenging years in recent memory for people from all walks of life, regardless of their location or socioeconomic situation. We were all affected. Even if the virus missed us […]